Demonstrate Love
Spirit-Led -
Biblically Based -
Life Of Worship -
Unity in Diversity -
Mission Focused -
Discovering Purpose -
Kingdom Minded -
Transforming Lives -
Disciple Making -
We will demonstrate the genuine love of Jesus to
We will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in our church, in our ministry, and in our lives.
We will adhere to, preach, and follow the authority of scripture.
We will demonstrate a culture of worship in our daily lives through faithfulness of God's word.
We understand that we are culturally different but we are united in God's kingdom.
We support missions, domestic and foreign in fulfilling the great commission.
We will help you discover your purpose through teaching, preaching, and worship.
We're here to grow the kingdom of God, not just a building.
We are committed to transformation of ourselves to becoming more in the likeness of Christ.
We are fully committed to being followers of Christ and reproducing disciples.